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Featured Room Types


A delightful weekend (10/31/23 - Tripadvisor)
The rooms are beautiful and comfortable but the hospitality was outstanding. The Innkeeper Marilyn provided for every comfort.. The grounds are lovely and I really enjoyed the museum and welcome center. Overall, it was a wonderful visit. I can’t wait to return.

Best place to stay on the Camas Prairie (10/11/23 - Tripadvisor)
This is the best place to stay on the Camas Prairie. It is quiet, beautifully decorated, each room has a small porch with adirondack chairs, and a gorgeous view of either the prairie or the wooded hill with plentiful deer and quail. The coffee was delicious and the beds were comfortable.

Amazing (9/12/23 - Tripadvisor)
We were spoiled by Marilyn and had a wonderful trip to St Gertrude’s and thoroughly enjoyed the sisters and the grounds, the history etc. The views were spectacular as well as the the home made breakfasts and evening desserts. Thank you all so much.

Voted "Best Place to Stay"!!!